Affordable E-Commerce System Coming Soon!

The recent pandemic has made an impact on our lives. As it has been a tough year, many businesses tend to struggle due to total lockdowns in many countries. Many retail businesses today took a big hit in their sales where many of them have started moving their business online. GE Technologies has many request from clients to build an e-commerce platform to satisfy their business needs but there is a common problem.

SME business owners share the same and common problem where they find that the cost of development is relatively higher compared to their expectations and affordability during this pandemic. Hence, GE Technologies has came up with a solution, an affordable yet efficient solution. This solution aims to solve the common issue faced by many business owners today and they would no longer have to worry about the overwhelming cost for development and lengthy development time. 

Cartsome is the solution that GE Technologies is offering where business owners can “rent” an e-commerce platform at an affordable price. Business owners can start selling their products online and at the same time, they will be able to reach more customers than ever before! Cartsome is built based on the SaaS model where business owners are able to use the e-commerce software licensed by GE Technologies with an affordable monthly payment. The goal is to help as many business owners as possible to get through this pandemic. 

Cartsome is still under development and it will be available in the market soon. Meanwhile, news will be released by GE Technologies on more updates about Cartsome. Until then, we will be looking forward to Cartsome’s launch as it will be able to make a change in the current economy’s downturn.


by Brandon C.